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By jan.cifra18. June 2008In Others

Short Slovak Barcamp review

The first slovak Barcamp took place as I already mentioned in an earlier post on the 14th of June in Bratislava’s A4 venue. It was a great event and I wanted to thank the organizers and sponsors for the great work during the whole event.

The conference itself was a mix of technical presentations from some leading experts in their specific topics (Synopsi – security, Digmia – hosting, ….), some startup promotion and experience sharing ( Richard Voda –, Chris Clay –,….), to some specialized presentations like Michal Pastier’s Viral and others. From this point of view the conference was very rich on topics and cool presenters. On the other hand the variety of presentations made it somewhat difficult to refocus on new topics with each next presentation and it was difficult to keep track of everything. That however did not diminish my overall experience and I enjoyed my time there a lot.

The organizers have promised to do another one this year looking forward to the Slovak Barcamp’s next installment.

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