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By jan.cifra18. June 2008In Others

Internet Video future…

Blogmaverick has a great article about and Even in Slovakia (small country by any and all measures) I see people attempting to use video on their websites in hopes of monetizing it in the future. Some even say video is the future of the internet.

Well this excellent write-up puts the whole thing in to perspective. Youtube works the Web2.0 way – first gather the audience and then think about monetizing it. But compared to other services online video requires massive storage that amounts to costs for storage/cooling and therefore earning money from this is quite difficult. ‘Till now Youtube didn’t find a way how to really monetize it’s massive audience. On the other hand seems to have gotten it right from the beginning – getting important partnerships and licesnsing agreements for it’s videos even if possibly paying a lot beforehand. This means even if their audience is nothing compared to youtube’s they still will be able to get more revenue.

Read the article for the whole story.

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